Rest week… What is that?
I am now somewhat at the mercy of the coach we hired for Judi. This was a calculated decision we made to keep my natural tendency to over-train cause me to drag Judi along with me.
With last week's 40 miler behind us (relative) rest was on the agenda
Our training for the weekend was to be limited to an hour run on Saturday and 30 minutes on Sunday.
We did pretty well.. just adding a little Core on Friday after work and an hour spin on Saturday but it still left us with time and energy on our hands… so we did other stuff
We stocked up on wine (we had a coupon!)
Went out!! On Saturday night!!!
It was a Pub Run/Fundraiser for a local charity Marathon High. Marathon High is a non-profit program under the Galloway Training Program. It is a free, school-based, long-distance running program open to all teens in grades 9-12.
The evening was themed "Dress up as your High School self"
I dug my old letter jacket out of the closet… it still fits well enough: