It's funny… I was having a conversation with one of my buddies from the Tuesday night ride in Guana park.
(I've described it a little here before. It's basically a 20 mile out and back on sandy-muddy-bumpy doubletrack in the pitch dark… it's one ride where the lumens you bring gets noticed more so than your gruppo… Legs, handling skills, and tenacity trumps drafting and placement. It is a group ride in the sense that we all start together but the group splinters and the strongest pull ahead leaving the rest scattered in twos and threes behind)
We were discussing the merits of the group, the route and the ride in general…
I told him… "David, what I like so much about this is the requirement to be in the moment… all of my mental focus is on scanning the ground for the firmest part of the road, the wheel in front of me, and whether or not I can hang on, pick it up, or best case drop the hammer… for an hour every Tuesday night it's like nothing else really exists"
I think that's kind of what Bill Strickland is talking about here:
and that my friends is why riding a bike is so awesome