Hello my name is Michael and I am an alcoholic Runner.
Everyone in unison: ("Hi Michael")
Today I am happy here to say that I've been sober not running for 37 days.
::polite applause::
I hear many people say that running is hard…. But *not running* is no cakewalk for me…
Ya see… I love to run… I'm a natural introvert… I need that time… and while I have been cycling a lot… lifting weights and staying really active… nothing can completely replace the place that I can go within myself, a kind of personal cocoon, when I'm running.
I have really not taken any significant (more than 3-4 days in a row) off running in probably 15 years with the exception of what turned out to be a torn quad in 2011 (http://allaboutpace.blogspot.com/2011/03/21-days-in-rehab.html ) and even then I spent a significant amount of time doing "running type" training (elliptical etc) Yep that's right sportsfans since I quit smoking back in 1996 I have really not taken a break… and It. Has. Been. Fabulous. J
So why now?
Well… to say that I over-trained in the first 6 months of 2013 would be a bit of an understatement… and all the while… one niggling injury here… bad knee creaking everywhere… and an ache and pain there… led to a compensation in running form and a weird snowballing effect of awesome aerobic capacity that I could no longer physiologically support…
So… I've backed off… working on Balance, core, strength, flexibility…. And cycling
I will be a runner again soon.